Kirsten and Marec Hase were and are the heart and head of the company. Marec never tires of listening carefully to dealers and customers and developing better wheels over and over again as head of the design department. Kirsten took the areas of marketing and communication under her wing early on. With the implementation of the rear derailleur as a showroom and flagship store, it has laid the foundation for a completely new, even more service-oriented future for Hase Bikes.
For us, optimization is a matter of the heart. Even with our first Kettwiesel almost 30 years ago, the idea of rehab and fun were equally decisive. In recent years, we have raised our standards ever higher and made our wheels more ergonomic, comfortable and transportable. The new Kettwiesel ONE is our best!Video mit Marec Hase zum neuen Kettwiesel ONE
Das neue Gravit DUST ist Lastenrad und Gravelbike in einem. Der perfekte Mix, um auch mit einem Cargobike sportlich unterwegs sein zu können. Unser erstes reines Lastenrad, das mit abnehmbarem Cargo-Board und verstellbarem Radstand problemlos auch auf jeden Auto-Heckträger passt. Parallel erscheint die Variante Gravit CITY E: sportlich, agil und mit Shimano Steps Motor ausgestattet.
A dream comes true: The beautiful old production hall becomes a wonderful new showroom. In a loft setting, we display our bikes and trikes, offer service and advice — and pretty accessories for cyclists, rabbit lovers and aesthetes.
Our new production hall is 3,000 square meters in size. Enough space for a production line for up to 26 bikes per day, plenty of storage space, meeting rooms and a café area with a panoramic view of the former mining landscape. The almost floor-to-ceiling brick wall is stylistically related to the old coal mine and gives the modern hall a very special atmosphere.
Spatenstich mit Schaufel: Weil wir immer weiter wachsen, wird die mittlerweile dritte neue Halle gebaut, die einmal die gesamte Produktion beherbergen soll. Ebenfalls in Waltrop: die Challenge „PINO statt PKW“ Hase Bikes leiht fünf Waltroper Familien für drei Wochen ein PINO STEPS – im Gegenzug müssen sie ihre Autoschlüssel abgeben.
With the flexible wheelbase, the Cargo tandem even more adaptable and increasingly a real car alternative. 53 employees and 17 trainees are now ensuring that the growing demand for our bikes is met.
As cyclists, we are used to headwinds and won't let the pandemic slow us down. Thanks to many pre-orders and high stocks, Hase can continue to produce bikes and does not have to register short-time work. Of course, there are hygiene concepts, shift systems and home offices. The annual dealer workshop in November takes place for the first time via Zoom, and our secret favorite trade fair “SPEZI” in Germersheim, which, like all other trade fairs, is not allowed to take place Let's digitally congratulate you on your 25th birthday
Unfassbar: ein Vierteljahrhundert Hase Bikes! Wir feiern mit einem selbst gebauten BEEST, das bei Messen und Events und Feiern für gruselgute Laune sorgt. Natürlich auch auf der Eurobike, auf der das neue TRETS mit Untenlenker vorgestellt wird.
The particularly flexible and affordable TRIGO and TRIGO UP models are launched on the market. These are the first wheels in the world that can officially be retrofitted with Shimano's Steps motor system.
Our KETTWIESEL CROSS off-road trike receives the “Red Dot Design Award: Best of the Best” at Zollverein Colliery. And because everything is going so well, another warehouse is being built at Waltrop Colliery.
The PINO PORTER — our first tandem with cargo bike equipment — wins the Red Dot Design Award. Cargo can be so beautiful!
Prizes for the KLIMAX 2K: “IF Gold Award” and “Red Dot Design Award” for the special design.
At Germany's largest bicycle fair, we will be working for Pioneering achievement in the area of “green mobility” honored — for our all-weather trike KLIMAX 2K. A huge surprise, because this prize is not awarded every year.
Hase Spezialräder becomes Hase Bikes. Sounds as international as we are now!
Opposite the listed HASE BIKES magazine building, a new hall is being built of steel, concrete, wood and glass because there is no longer enough space.
Waltrop belongs to the district of Recklinghausen, which is also called the “Vest”. Hase Bikes is honored as a regional company: 23 employees, 7 trainees, export to 21 countries.
The “Night of Industrial Culture” is one of the most magical events in the region. In 2005, Hase Bikes took part as a host at the new company headquarters for the first time.
The first two-digit anniversary is celebrated with 16 employees — and the constantly growing sales figures. The exclusive “Titan/Race” series is also being created this year.
Probably the longest bicycle queue in the world: 62 linked KETTWIESELS end up in the Guinness Book of Records — a world record with the help of many customers!Video ab Minute 1:59.
Die Wüste lebt: Eine Delegation von Hase Bikes reist zur Interbike nach Las Vegas. Wir sind geflasht vom Irrsinn der Stadt und der Stille der Wüste.
The child in the trailer, the trailer at the PINO, and off the family goes: with the new TRETS children's trailer, we are expanding the range of accessories for our bikes.
Living dream: Together with EFBE, the company moves to the site of the listed Waltrop Colliery. The bikes are built on the ground floor of the magazine building, and the Hase family lives under the roof. A tandem exhibition is already taking place in the first year.
The first HASE models are delivered overseas. At the consumer fair in Seattle, we present our bikes to a large audience.
Four years after the company was founded, five employees are already working on tandems and trikes, which are already being sold across Europe.
Special bike under special wheels: As a long-legged bike with two wheels, TAGUN is temporarily expanding our recumbent bike portfolio.
The model with a raised sitting position goes into series production and the rehabilitation area is being expanded. In the same year, cooperation began with EFBE Prüftechnik, which offers testing services for well-known bicycle manufacturers.
Researcher becomes entrepreneur: Marec Hase founds HASE-Spezialräder in Bochum. In the coach house at his parents' house, he and his first employee Igor Pawiltchenko build two small series: a full-suspension recumbent tricycle and a tandem of steps.
With two recumbent bikes connected side by side, Marec Hase is taking part in “Jugend forscht”.
For example, that of a foldable recumbent bike. Marec Hase thus won 2nd place in the state competition for “Youth Research”.
At the age of 17, Marec Hase won first place in the “Youth Research” national competition. His contribution: a self-constructed tandem tricycle.